Feedback automation

This section describes how to send invitations to customers using ZippyAssists automation settings, and requesting them to leave feedback.

Greg Elisara avatar
Written by Greg Elisara
Updated over a week ago

Feedback is a key resource for any company with a growth mindset – whether growing their business, improving operations, or better serving customers. This is where automating the gathering for customer feedback can be a powerful tool.

When active, the feedback automation will invite feedback from customers whose help requests are updated to a status of “Closed” and the associated refund request has been completed if applicable.

By asking for feedback from customers in this way you will be able to better understand how customers are feeling about you. You can share praise with your team and to promote your business, and you can use customer frustrations as opportunities to improve.

Specific features include:

  • Custom invitation subject and message

  • Send delay – the time to wait after a help request is closed before sending the invitation

  • Ability for customers to opt-out of receiving future invitations

  • Ability for operators to exclude individual customers from receiving invitations

  • Customizing emails for multiple languages

Invitation message configuration

You can configure the feedback invitation message on the operator dashboard, using the “Automations” tab (located under App Settings in the side panel).

Following are descriptions for options for the feedback invitation message sent to customers.

Email subject

Wording used for the email subject.

Email message

Wording used for the email body. Use the variable


to dynamically insert the person’s name into the message body. NOTE: $(name) is the name the person used when submitting their help request – often they use their full name.

Delay sending duration

Set the duration to pass after a customer’s help request is closed before an invitation is sent.

The below is an example invitation email using our demo refreshments company, Refreshco.

Note: Feedback invitations are addressed using a no-reply ZippyAssist email address that incorporates your company name. The example below shows an email header using our demo refreshments company, Refreshco (your company name would appear instead of Refreshco).

Activate feedback invitations

To turn on this feature turn set the Feedback invitations switch in the Activate section to “On”.

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